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Seeing the surroundings--the flagpole area, front lobby, creek, dorm, back lobby, oval, and gym, it felt like i was transported back in time, to my good old high school days. The place didn't change much, which made it easier for me to reminisce all the memories of 4 years of pisay life i've kept for more than five years now. But more than the place itself, i missed the people.
With all those batchmates around, it felt like home again. Balik pisay. Balik hayskul. Except for the physical changes, some getting bigger (fatter?), others slimmer, the people are really quite the same as five years back. The old "groupings" are there: (may)josacola, solid, backboys, corpo, st.mary's people, the very big crowd of benaphotau, other science streamers, and of course us jerck.
Haaay.. Nostalgic talaga. And sad cause it didn't last long. One night is really not enough to satisfy my yearning for that reunion..
Sana may tech party. Sana soon.